Short Stories


Screaming till my lungs burn
Looking around seeing that my screams
Never even reached those closest to me
Losing all hope to ever be heard

Hear me out, see my pain
Hold me tight and never let go
I just need a little help again
See the way I see the world

The darkness is creeping up
Pushing me down everytime
I feel I can breathe again
Anytime …

Lost, confused, hurt, remorseful, empty
Losing what can never be returned
When you leave, for us it’s never easy
The ones who are left behind

The light in the eyes begin to dim
Losing hope becomes so easy
Regaining what was lost almost seems impossible
Thinking of their life makes all queasy

Till the days end and the night
Awakes memories that we shared
Knowing how persuasive the dark is
Cherish the time in the light

Days are never felt the same
For no new memories can ever be made
Though we may not see them
They are with us Forevermore.

Nature's Beauty

Walking through the trees, trying to find shelter of any kind. Upon seeing a log cabin it catches on fire, burning so brightly the sun could be jealous. Staying close to the inflamed log cabin to keep warm. A tree falls close to the log cabin creating a place to get out of the weather. The flames travel to the fallen tree, escaping just in time before the flames reach. As the fire spreads it also spreads the light. Running, trying to leave the flames behind. Just trying to leave it all behind.
Coming up to a river, splashing and swimming around. Refreshing to wash all the worries away. Floating down the river, drifting in and out. Nightfalls and the darkness surrounds with the wind howling through the trees. Whispering secrets that will never be told. The howls harmonize with the wind creating eerie sounds through the night. Always heard even with the trees dancing to the sounds.
The leaves crunch from beneath, ready to create a new beginning for the world. The old helps bring in the new, never forget where you came from. It roots itself from what has happened, because the new can not happen without the old. It is always good to remember the old, but equally as good to embrace the new. Coming up to a cliffside, seeing for miles and all of nature’s beauty.
As the sun peeks over the trees, a cheerier song emerges from the birds. Reaching the banks on the river, crashing into the earth. The only way water knows how to say hello. The darkness has been overrun by the light, only for the light to fade away and the darkness returns. While the light is shining bright, embrace it; and when the darkness comes back, embrace it.


Running, don’t know where just running. The pounding of the feet as they hit the cold hard ground, paired with the heavy breathing makes almost a melodic nightmare soundtrack. After what feels like forever, the pounding of feet only becomes one pair, they belong to Dakota. Who has been running from a beast that destroys all that it touches.
Dakota slows and leans against a boulder trying to catch their breath, listening to the forest around them. Waiting for a rustle of leaves or a snap of a twig. After getting their breathing under control they grip their two hook swords that were passed down through generations in their family.
Once the coast was clear, Dakota started climbing the closest tree to get the high ground and for scanning the landscape. Using the hook swords to help climb, Dakota made it to the highest branch that will support their way in no time. The sun started setting and determining that this is a good spot to camp for the night, Dakota secured themselves to the tree and fell to a light sleep. Sleep never came easy after leaving their family to protect them, as the beast has always been after them.
A couple miles away from where Dakota lay in the tree, a broken family shares stories around a fire. The family has been on the move as long as Dakota has, because no matter where your life takes you, or whether you want your space. Your family will always be there as Dakota's family is there for her if she may need it. Just as Dakota does not realize her family is trailing her and watches her from afar, family will always have your back.
Dakota awoke from a howl at the break of dawn, recognizing the howl as the beast, they quickly descended the tree and towards the direction the sound emanated from. Realizing the beast has cornered their family, Dakota did the only thing they knew how to do; defend what they love.
Getting the beast's attention and coercing it away from their family. After making sure their family is out of harm's way, Dakota attacks with all their might. Recognizing that this may be Dakota’s last stand against the beast, Dakota does all that they can to make sure that beast falls with them.
Taking one last look at their family, they take their hook swords and dig them through the beast giving the beast the ability to slain them. Both Dakota and the beast fall, as Dakota breathes out their last word, “Hope.”.

Between Love and Dark

She loved the stars, the moon, the clouds, and the sun. The happiness that surrounds people, the sadness that fills people, the speechless conversations between two people, the chitter chatter amongst little children. She loves the chaos of the world. She loves the good and bad in the world, as she herself had good and bad in her. She struggled with her internal struggles everyday, but loving gave her a smile to share with the world. Her smile, personality, eyes, laugh, kindness, she loves. While others sleep, she stays up to learn how to love the other parts of her. But, love takes time and it builds on itself. She loved all of him. He is the only darkness in her world that she sees, but she loves him.
Every morning, she puts a smile on her face. Even if she isn’t happy, she doesn’t need to be happy to love, because loving puts a smile on her face. With the love in her heart and her confidence she is ready to take on the world, and is not ready to take no for an answer for she knows her worth, so she smiles. The confidence to love what she wants, even when others judge her for it. She is proud to be who she is and to love all she loves. The stars, the moon, the clouds, the sun. She loved it all.
He didn’t. The wind, the rain, the thunder, the light. The long lines because people can’t stop talking. The everlasting noise of chitter chatter on the streets. Honking the horn to get the cars moving. He didn’t love the world and all its imperfections that she did. She, the only person who keeps him going. In all the darkness he sees in his world, she is the little light shining bright. His smile, laugh, non-existent kindness, voice, skin, he didn’t love. He still sleeps soundly every night even with all his insecurities about himself. He doesn’t bother worrying about himself, but her. He sees her perfectly, even with all her imperfections he loves her.
Every night, his last thought was always sad. He was so deep in his mind that he couldn’t find any happiness, other than the light keeping him from complete darkness. Even when he is happy, it is easy to bring his mood down. The world seems more real and raw when he is down, and he rather sees it as it is than with a filter over it. He knows what he wants and will do anything to get it. He doesn’t care what people say, because even the darkness is determined to stay, ready to creep up at a moment's notice. Just like he is ready to be there for her anytime, anyday. The wind, the rain, the thunder, the light. He only loved her.

The Fate

Distance screams, whispered fears
Struggles between false and reality
Only when the silence falls
Will it bring back clarity

Embrace the dark
Light long forgotten
Comfort in the unknown
Waiting for the spark

Magic in the air
Blowing through the breeze
With its horrors beware
Induce a heart to freeze

When all hope is lost
Outcomes not worth the cost
All that's left is faith
At the end there is rest